(銘)梶川作 花押 孔雀図蒔絵印籠でございます。
底には梶川作 花押の銘がございます。
Period: Edo period
Inscribed name: Kajikawa saku (Made by Kajikawa)
This is a Makie Inrou that was made by Kajikawa school in Edo period.
Kajikawa school was founded by Tokugawa 5th ShogunTokugawa, Tsunayoshi after the Shogun brought the Kajikawa, Jougan (1st generaion) from Kyoto to Edo in 1682. From Jougan, the school had last to 12th generation.
In the bottom of the Inrou, there is a inscription Kajikawa saku(梶川作) with red stamp.
The design is "peafowls with a tree". Peafowls and the tree was expressed with Taka- Makie and mother of pearls are in some parts of wings of the peafowls. Also the face of the peafowl and wings are so elaborated using makie, so this work is so gorgeous and sophisticated.
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